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miercuri, 7 iunie 2017

Gufix Team

Gufix Team

Last update today wee analize about instant paymant and yes wee agree to improve this pay system but need more people to be agreeo whit this at the moment only 2 people agree whit this type of paymant .

Well wee need to wait what other member will say and  wee want be more active and let as know what is bast for our member .

Advice for the people who have atm satoshi inside the balance dont be worrie after if wee change the system to instant paymant the balance will be 0 and auto sathosi from balance will be send and one more think dont forget wee abele atm send  satoshi on Xapo Walet if u dont have and want to get satoshi you need tohave a xapo walet .

Wee thanks for all our member and hope in future will me more satoshi 

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