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sâmbătă, 30 aprilie 2016

How to earn free satoshi

How to earn free satoshi

How to earn free satoshi and dont investe  any money , but you will invest you time coz i think you know time means money .
Well the best way to earn free satoshi is this navigate on internet or type on google faucet list after you will get search list try to find best faucet , what i mean when i say best faucet its simple just look what price you can get  very important to remember some think`s here is this reword after you make the requirments of faucet ther a so many faucets in many type the simple one is like this you need  only a bitcoin addres and solve a capcha and you will get reword after this not so much dont think you will get billinoer anyway will be a mirco paymant  oh and one more think dont spend toy time whit faucet who dont send paymant micro whit other system only faucetbox its my advice why i say this becouse its very hard to get a balance more then 13.000 satoshi to get inside in you`r walet .
But this depend on you how you move to find best facuet list and make it done faster to bet whitdraw balance inside your walet, till then i advice you get a faucet rotator is more batter for you coz you will need push next after each faucet done and in this case your time will be less spend to search other faucets my advice if you wana try it go to and ther you can find many faucet , why is important to find a nice rottator faucet it is honestly coz your time will be more good waste to earn satoshi faster ther are many faucet reword diferent prize and one more think dotn forget to see if faucet have balance if not in this case dotn waste your time go to next one .
Other faucet  requirments is same a bitcoin adress but you will need to sing up and inside you will need to make a balance then you will get the satoshi after you have a balance from require for example gufix faucet have 2 require 1 bitcon adress and second balance at 1000 satoshi price reword every 10 min you can get 60 up to 120 satoshi when inside your balance is 1000 then faucet  will send to your faucetbox 1000 satoshi and you can verify your faucetbox to see if  you the the reword inside your walet .
Faucet it means time why i say this becouse its very important to know every faucet have capcha to solve amny diferent way i hate personal antibots faucet and i advice you dotn spend your time if you get some of this you need to find antibots on faucet you need to click it and most part of this type of faucet they are force you to push on baners , popup  or other thinks what open a more page and you will lose time to close it .
In the end what i want to say is this its worth if you know a little scripting you can make it to mark in time auto but of course like i say need a little knolage scripting . i put inside of this blog a faucet what i use every day and sens all its work perfectly oh and by the way refferal system is the most very important to earn extra satoshi inside your account .
What menas this every person who join from your refferal link you will win extra satoshi how you can make this is simple get your refferal link and post where you think people are intrested of this 
advice dont let it to go away when you see you get 100 satoshi reword coz 100 whit 100 you will make more every day thanks for read this and hope get some coment on this post and if you need some help or advice just replay and i will contact soon as posibile good luck .

miercuri, 27 aprilie 2016

1 Million Satoshi Winner Video Contest

‪#‎gufix‬ ‪#‎video‬ ‪#‎contest‬ ‪#‎promote‬ Gufix Faucet open a contest promotion video what you need to make is simple make a video about our faucet require only in english words and voice post here your video and promote it whit you refferal code if you dont have go ;end register to our faucet , its so very simple to make 1 mil satoshi Right ? hmmmm what you waiting for .

What are the advantages Bitcoin?

Freedom of payments  - Is it possible to send and receive any amount of money instantly anywhere in the world at any time. Without the days when banks are closed. Without any limit. Bitcoin allows its users to have full control over their money.
Very small fee  - Bitcoin payments are now processed either duty-free or extremely low fees. Users can optionally include a fee to receive priority in processing the transaction, resulting in faster transaction confirmation by the network. Additionally, there are business process that assists merchants to process transactions, changing bitcoin fiat currency and depositing funds directly into the daily merchant's bank account. These services are based on Bitcoin, they can be provided with much lower fees than PayPal or credit card networks.
Fewer risks for traders  - Bitcoin transactions are secure, irreversible and does not contain personal information of the customer. This protects merchants from fraud or chargeback damage caused by fraudulent sites and PCI compliance is not necessary. Merchants can easily expand to new markets where or not available, or credit card fraud rates are unacceptably high. The net results are lower taxes, wider markets and lower administrative costs.
Security and control  - Bitcoin users have total control over transactions; it is impossible for traders to force unwanted or hidden fees or charges as can happen through other payment methods. Bitcoin payments can be made ​​without that personal information be related to the transaction. This provides increased protection against identity theft. Those who use Bitcoin can also protect your money by backup and encryption.
Transparent and neutral  -  All information  about Bitcoin money supply are available anytime chain blocks can be verified by anyone and used in real time. No individual or organization can control or manipulate the Bitcoin protocol because it is cryptographically secure. That allows Bitcoin to be completely neutral, transparent and predictable.

Bitcoin is legal?

To the best of our knowledge,  Bitcoin has been outlawed  in most laws of the various jurisdictions. But some jurisdictions (such as Argentina or Russia) restricting or prohibiting foreign currencies. Other jurisdictions (like Thailand) may limit the licensing of certain entities such as Bitcoin exchange sites.
Regulators in different jurisdictions are steps individuals and businesses to provide rules for how it should integrate this new technology with the formal financial system and regularly. For example, illegality Combating Financial Network (FinCEN), an institution of the United States Treasury Department issued guidance not imposed by law on the classification of certain activities involving digital currencies.

How does that Bitcoin mining is safe?

Mining creates the equivalent of a lottery competitive it is extremely difficult for anyone to add new buildings consecutive transactions in the chain of blocks. This protects network neutrality by preventing an individual to have enough power to block certain transactions. It also prevents the situation where someone is trying to replace parts of the chain blocks to reverse its own costs, which could be used to defraud others. Mining makes reversing a transaction prior exponentially worse by the fact that it requires rewriting all the blocks following after that transaction.

Why do I need to grab me by mining?

In the early days of Bitcoin, anyone could find a new block using personal computer processor. As more people began to minerească the difficulty of finding new blocks skyrocketed to the point that today the only effective method of mining is using specialized hardware. You can visit  for more information.

Bitcoin is safe?

Bitcoin technology - Protocol and cryptography - have an impressive track record of security and Bitcoin network is probably the largest distributed computing project in the world. The most common vulnerability Bitcoin is human error from the user. Portofofelului Bitcoin files that keep private keys needed can be accidentally deleted, lost or stolen. This is similar to the cash stored in a digital form. Fortunately, users can observe  security practices  to protect the money or use providers that offer good levels of security and insurance against theft or loss.

Bitcoin has not been hacked in the past?

Rules and cryptography protocol already used by Bitcoin years since they appeared, indicating a concept well designed and built. But  security errors  were found and corrected in time in various software implementations. Like any other form of software, security software Bitcoin depends on the speed with which problems are found and resolved. The more these problems are discovered, the Bitcoin approaching maturity.
Often there are misconceptions about thefts and security breaches that have happened on various exchanges and companies dealing with Bitcoin. Although these events are unfortunate, none involving Bitcoin itself being hacked, nor does it imply errors in the way that Bitcoin is built; as breaking a bank does not mean that Romanian leu is compromised. On the other hand, it is fair to say that a complete set of best practices and intuitive security solutions are needed to give users better protect their money and reduce the overall risk of theft or loss. Over the past years, such security attributes were rapidly developed, such as encryption wallet, wallets offline, wallets hardware and multi-signature transactions.

Can people plot against Bitcoin?

Bitcoin protocol is impossible to change so easily. Any Bitcoin client that does not follow the same rules can not impose its own rules before other users. According to current specifications, double spending is not possible on the same chain of blocks of Bitcoin without spending any valid signature. So, it is not possible to create Bitcoin uncontrolled amounts simply to spend bitcoinii another person to be corrupt network, or the like.
On the other hand, a majority of miners can arbitrarily choose to block or reverse the recent transactions. A majority of users may also like to push for changes to be made. Because Bitcoin works properly only when there is a complete consensus among all users, change the protocol can be very difficult and an overwhelming majority of users adopt changes so that other users have no choice but to join. As a general rule, it is hard to imagine why a Bitcoin user would choose to adopt any changes that could compromise his own money.

Bitcoin is vulnerable to quantum computers?

Yes, most systems that rely on cryptography in general are vulnerable, including traditional banking system. But quantum computers do not yet exist and probably never will exist for a good period of time. If quantum computers would become an immediate threat to Bitcoin, the protocol can be upgraded to use post-quantum algorithms. Given the importance that this change would have it, it can be assumed with certainty that will be reviewed in-depth by programmers and adopted by all Bitcoin users.

marți, 19 aprilie 2016

Cloud Mining

Let talk about cloud miner one of the source to get bitcoin , well from my experiance i dotn win so much i think i lost but not so much but i leave it type of cloud mining away reason is not so profitabile like other web site say in fact almost this type of website are ponzy well people who dont know what is ponzy is simple the website was project to some day run so in this case this cain off bussnies like i see in 1 years experiance they got a huge amount of bitcoin and many people broke so my advice is this dont start to invest if you dont get a very trusted site in other case i can say you will lose you money 100% .
In other case meybe you will get the chance to get your invest back and a little proffit but  in this case i think will be less then 20% .
Well i leave this type of bussnies long time ago almost 6 month and the reason is very simple for me cloud mining is a new era bussnies for people who want to robe other people , by the way i dont say defenetly all web site but almost all is on thos targe to robe people whit reason they give a lot reword back if you depozit dont have any trust on this words if you see this message on web site wirte , and nother trik is if you have invest inside of one site and you will see in time many promotion like discount you need to think how i get my btc from this site fast you can at the momen this is my think about this bussnies called Cloud Mining.

luni, 18 aprilie 2016

Bitcoin convertor

Best Bitcoin Convertor from USD to BTC

Today Starting to share about Gufix

Intro Gufix
This is a little intro how gufix project start , well all know every man of this earth wana earn money from internet coz is the very easy way and confortable whit the laptop in hand write some note and get little money .
In fact is not so easy becouse is a work whit very lot of think`s put head by head in right way ther are to many think for this project can run or work to get some money on profit.
Gufix think need to give people a product  in our situation is satoshi what is satoshi? hmm people who know and they are inside in this industry of course they know is about a part of bitcoin like dolar have cent , ok where this satoshi come or how can be earn here will can find so many oportunity to get satoshi for example is you can mining , invest in bitcoin tehnology like cloud mining or in the less case is visiting faucet website and get amount of satoshi.
If you wana earn some free satoshi you are welcome to join gufix and you will get every 10 min around 60 to 120 satoshi and one tip what ingrace your profit to get more satoshi you can use your refferal link to get bonus from every refferal you grab .

Get Bitcoins every 10 min For Free